地域の技術シーズを活用する事業計画や特定の技術シーズを活用することにより、エネルギー・環境分野をはじめとする社会課題を解決する事業計画がある研究開発型スタートアップや研究者等を対象としたピッチコンテストの出場者募集を開始しました。優秀な成績を収めた者には賞や賞品が授与されます。最優秀者には賞金100万円を授与するとともに、優秀者には副賞としてCIC Tokyによる1年間の事業成長サポートとCIC Tokyoの利用権を付与します。
今回は応募に際しては、ピッチ枠として地域枠(北海道&東北、関東、北陸&中部、関西、中国&四国、九州&沖縄、海外)、UNDER 35枠(35歳以下のスタートアップ経営者・若手研究者)、ダイバーシティ枠(経営者や代表者の多様性を重視)を設けることで、多様性溢れる優秀なスタートアップや研究者等からの積極的な提案を受け入れます。
最優秀賞・優秀賞を受賞した者には、当該企業の状況や希望に応じて2024年3月末までCIC Tokyo より事業化の支援を受けることが可能です。例えば、以下の支援が想定されます。
④CIC Tokyoのスペースへのアクセス
最優秀賞・優秀賞・審査員特別賞を受賞した者には、2024年3月末までCIC Tokyoの環境エネルギーイノベーションコミュニティルームを利用できる権利を付与します。
評価項目 評価内容
①成長性 ビジネスの成長性・継続性が見込めるか。 等
②技術力・革新性 地域発もしくはユニークで実現性の高い技術を保有しているか。またはビジネスプランの新規性が高いか。競合優位性があるか。 等
③事業体制 魅力的なチームか(能力、バックグラウンド、リソース調達力、多様性)。 等
④市場の魅力 ニーズのあるビジネスであり、大きな事業機会が望めるか。魅力的な市場であるか。 等
⑤チャレンジ性 新たな事業に対する熱意や覚悟があるか。または、ビジネスプランの新規性が高いか。 等
⑥社会課題性 エネルギー・環境分野をはじめとする社会課題に取り組んでいるか 等
2023年3月8日(水)午後に、東京都港区虎ノ門にあるCIC Tokyoで行われるピッチイベントにファイナリストとして登壇し、3〜5分間(登壇者数による)のピッチを行っていただくとともに、有識者による審査委員との質疑応答による対応を含めたピッチ審査を行います。
2022年12月20日(火)~2023年1月31日(火) 17:00(日本時間)
Google formによる必要事項の入力と関係資料の提出
○以下のGoogle formに記入の上、ピッチ資料を提出すること。Google form上でピッチ資料を提出できない場合は、メールでピッチ資料を提出すること。
CIC Tokyo 担当:名倉、藤瀬
ESG TECH BATTLE 2022 powered by NEDOの模様はこちら!
<SHORT ver> https://youtu.be/YmZqRFdJX2M
<FULL ver> https://youtu.be/FzG-xYnD2u8
In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of R&D oriented startups that have grown significantly by leveraging their unique technologies. However, R&D often requires a large amount of funding and human resources, and these startups and researchers require a variety of support.
Therefore, ESG TECH BATTLE, a ESG focused pitch contest, will be held for R&D startups and researchers, and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and the private sector innovation community (CIC Tokyo) will collaborate to provide various types of support (including awards and cash prize) to promising startups and researchers, thereby accelerating the creation of role models.
NEDO is inviting applications from R&D oriented startups and researchers who have a business plan to utilize regional technology seeds or solve social issues in the energy and environmental fields and other areas by utilizing specific technology seeds. The grand prize winner will receive a cash prize of 1 million JPY and a one-year business growth support by CIC Tokyo and the right to use CIC Tokyo as a supplementary prize.
In addition, we have established three pitch slots; regional slots (Hokkaido & Tohoku, Kanto, Hokuriku & Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku & Shikoku, Kyushu & Okinawa, and Overseas), UNDER 35 slots (startup executives/founders and young researchers under 35 years old), and diversity slots (emphasis on diversity in management and representatives) to accept applications from outstanding startups, researchers, etc.
(1) Eligibility
(2) Prizes
① Awards
The following prizes will be awarded to the applicants that achieve excellent results.
Awarded to the company/individual who receives the most outstanding evaluation by a selection committee of experts.
Awarded to the second and third most outstanding entry after the Grand Prize by a selection committee of experts.
This award is given to the winner who has received the wonderful evaluation by a selection committee of experts.
② Cash prize
The winner of the Grand Prize will receive a cash prize of 1 million JPY.
③ Business Growth Support
Startups/Individuals that win the Grand Prize and Excellence Award will be able to receive support for growth of their business from CIC Tokyo until the end of March 2024, depending on the situation and needs of the company/individuals awarded. For example, the following support is expected:
④ Right to use CIC Tokyo space
The winners of the Grand Prize, Excellence Award, and Special Award will be granted access to the Energy & Environment Innovation Community Room at CIC Tokyo until the end of March 2024.
(3) Screening criteria
The selection committee, consisting of experts, will select the most highly rated business/projects from among the applications received, taking into account the following evaluation items in a comprehensive manner.
Evaluation items | Evaluation details |
① Growth potential | Can the business be expected to grow and continue? etc. |
②Technological capability and innovativeness | Does the company possess unique and highly feasible technology originating from the region? Does the business plan have a high degree of novelty? Does it have a competitive advantage? etc. |
③ Team | Is there an attractive team (ability, background, resource procurement, diversity)? etc. |
④ Market attractiveness | Is there a need for the business and is there a large business opportunity? Is it an attractive market? etc. |
⑤ Challenging nature | Is there enthusiasm and determination for the new business? etc. |
⑥ Social issues | Is the company addressing social issues such as energy and the environment? etc. |
(4) Screening
① Document screening
Each application will be screened by the secretariat based on the above screening criteria based on the information they provided including a pitch deck, and about 10-15 applicants (Finalists) will be selected to proceed to the pitch contest.
② Pitch contest
On Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, afternoon JST (Time will be announced soon), the pitch event will be held at CIC Tokyo in Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, and judging will be conducted by a selection committee, consisting of experts. Those who will take the stage will be judged on their 3-5 minute pitches (depending on the number of applicants on stage), followed by a short Q & A session.
(5) Schedule
① Application period
Tuesday, December 20th, 2022 – Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, 5 pm JST
② Document screening
Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 – mid February, 2023
③ Pitch Event
Afternoon, Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
(6) How to apply
Please Fill in the required information and submit the relevant documents via Google form.
Application form: https://forms.gle/NVPMFR27mi9zhz6o7
○If you are unable to submit your pitch materials via Google Form, please submit them via email (env-startups@cic.com).
○Pitch materials: 1) Outline of the business, 2) Social issues to be addressed, 3) Market, 4) Services and technologies, 5) Team, 6) Business plan, etc. should be included (PPTX format slides or a PDF version for the other formats is acceptable. Number of slides is limited to 20 pages. If the number of pages exceeds this limit, please attach it after the main text as an appendix or reference. There is no limit on the number of pages for appendix or reference. However, if the file size exceeds 15MB, please send it to env-startups@cic.com and confirm receipt by replying to the secretariat.
※This document will also be used for the document screening, and the review will be conducted based on the contents of the document, so please note that even if the secretariat cannot read the contents of the above items from the document, it will not be subject to review.
※Please do not include confidential information in the materials.
<Please note the following points>
(7) Contact for inquiries
For inquiries regarding application procedures, application guidelines, and other matters, please contact below.
CIC Tokyo Contact: Masaru, Lisa
Email: env-startups@cic.com